Birth Roots offers Birth and Baby Care Class for Grandparents!

Birth Roots is offering a wonderful new class about childbirth and infant care specifically for grandparents!

“This 4 hour class will explore and discuss recent changes in childbirth practices, breastfeeding, safe sleep practices, and newborn care. Keep your newborn grandchild safe and strengthen lifelong bonds as you support your sons and daughters through this transition. Taught by certified Lamaze Instructor Janice Koepnick.”

The classes run in late April and May, and there’s currently an intro offer discount of 50%, making the class only $40.

I think this is a terrific idea. There is SO MUCH we can learn from our parents and grandparents, but I’ve noticed there is often tension and conflict coming from both sides of the new parent/experienced grandparent dynamic. I’ve actually thought about this issue a lot. It breaks my heart to hear grandmothers downplay or second-guess their own baby care experience and expertise because “things are so different now”. And it is just as difficult to hear women my age completely dismiss the wisdom of our mothers because, “those were different times”.  A class like this will hopefully go a long way to educating and empowering generations within families.

Kudos to Janice Koepnick and Birth Roots for offering a grandparents’ class!