Pregnant? Researcher Seeks Survey Participants!

I got this message from Marianne O’Byrne, a researcher at the University of Toronto, who is looking for pregnant women to participate in a study about experiences before and after pregnancy. Read on for more details…

Are you pregnant or know someone who is?

If you reside in Canada, you are invited to participate in a study about your experience during and after your pregnancy.

Complete or pass along the confidential screening survey and see below for more details:

What will participants do?
Participants will complete an online questionnaire that assesses the social, biological, psychological and behavioral aspects of being pregnant and a new mother. This battery of tests will be completed at three different times over a period of nine months (once during pregnancy and twice in postpartum) and each time will take about 1-1.5 hours to complete. Participation is confidential.

Who is eligible to participate?
We are looking for women of diverse backgrounds residing in Canada of 18 years of age or older.

What is the goal of the study?
Within the cultural framework of Canada and your social and ethnic identity, your experience with your body is shaped by a variety of factors. The aim of this study is to explore how the social context, and social, biological, psychological, and behavioral factors serve to protect, as well as hinder, women as they transition from pregnancy into the postpartum period.

Benefits of the Study/Compensation:
You may find it beneficial to talk about your experiences around your body. Your participation in this study may also help others develop a greater understanding of their body and bodily experiences during the transition to parenthood which may, in turn, help both professionals provide better conditions for women during this important period in their lives. Further, as a thank you for your participation, you will receive a $10 e-gift certificate after completing this initial questionnaire and be entered into a draw to win one of five $200 e-gift certificates upon study completion.

If interested, either (1) visit the screening survey page or (2) contact Marianne O’Byrne, Ph.D. student at OISE/University of

Donate a Coat, Get 50% Haircuts at Hair Do Zoo

I got this message from Majda Ficko, owner of Hair Do Zoo and Baby Butz diaper cream about a great event happening throughout November:

“Has your child outgrown their winter coat? Please consider donating to UNITED WAY – KOATS FOR KIDS.

Hair Do Zoo in Winnipeg is helping keep kids warm this winter.

Drop off your clean gently used kids coats at either of Hair Do Zoo locations and you will get your kids haircut for 50% off!

Hair Do Zoo has locations at 2020 Corydon (near Kenaston) and 14-845 Dakota (by St Vital Centre).

Great to see this local business giving back to the community! Hope the get lots of donations!