HSC Women’s Hospital Update

An interview with HSC’s CEO Dana Erickson in today’s Metro sheds some light on the status of the new Women’s Hospital being built at HSC:

“Across William Avenue at the corner of Sherbrook Street the latest phase of construction of the new 300,000-square-foor [sic] Women’s Hospital has started, and two tower cranes will move in next month to start work on the building’s foundation slab.

“Manitoba’s growing… and the province is responding to that need,” explained Erickson, noting the old Women’s Hospital building built in 1950 is just 70,000-square-feet.

The new Women’s Hospital, expected to be finished in 2015, will have 173 beds and 54 private rooms with private bathrooms, up 25 per cent from the old building.”

From what I understand, the new Women’s Hospital will include a NICU. At present the two areas are about half a kilometer apart, which is not great for mothers or their critically ill babies. All in all, sounds like the new hospital will greatly benefit the thousands of Manitoba women who give birth at Women’s Hospital each year.

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