STUDY: Call for Participants

The University of Calgary is currently recruiting participants who are pregnant to learn more about how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting emotional and physical wellbeing during pregnancy.

From the study website:

“Who can participate? You are eligible if you:

  • Are pregnant
  • Are less than 35 weeks pregnant
  • Are 18 years of age or older
  • Can read and write English
  • Live in Canada
  • Have access to a device with an internet connection

What does the study involve?

  • 30-45 minutes to complete the initial survey
  • Brief monthly surveys to follow up about your experience of pregnancy during COVID-19, mental health, coping and resiliency
  • Several optional follow up studies will launch in the future “

Learn more and participate by visiting:

STUDY: Call for Participants

Parenting During the Pandemic is the overarching study from which I will be drawing quantitative data for a sub-study. The sub-study explores the impact of COVID19 on Manitoban families of children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDDs), ages 0-8 years. NDD’s are often apparent at birth or in early childhood and include, but are not limited to, autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, global delay syndrome, speech and language disorders, motor disorders, Down syndrome, and intellectual disability. 

Once you complete the survey within Parenting during the Pandemic, you will be asked if you would like to participate in future or follow up studies (please check off “yes”). For those that fit the above criteria (highlighted in yellow) and have agreed to participate in follow up studies, I will contact them to arrange an interview to discuss specifically how their access to services has been impacted by the pandemic. A $20 honorarium (Gift Card) will be given to participants who complete the follow up interview. “

Learn more and participate by visiting:

WWW. P A R E N T I N G D U R I N G T H E P A N D E M I C . C O M

Apply to be part of the Baby Box Study (University of Manitoba / WRHA)

Are you more than 32 weeks pregnant? Or do you have a baby less than 4 weeks old? If so you may qualify to participate in the Baby Box (Portable Bassinet) Study. Read below to learn more.

If you don’t qualify but know of someone who might be interested, please feel free to share the image in this post.

“Do you need a safe place for your baby to sleep but don’t have a crib? This research study will help you get a safe place for your baby to sleep and help you to learn more about how to keep your baby healthy and safe. If you are 32 or more weeks pregnant or have a newborn less than 4 weeks of age, and you don’t have a crib, cradle, or bassinet for your baby, you may be eligible.

Please call us at (204) 451-0621 or email to find out more or sign up!”

Study Ad V3 – Social Media April 2018