A new family centre in Winnipeg!

A new family centre has just opened in St. Boniface!

“Blooms Eco-Family Centre (Blooms Centre) provides family orientated support groups, informative programs, and classes brought to you by local professionals in nutrition, fitness, and health which families continually seek. 

Our experience is extensive, professional and especially adapted to the budget of today’s families interested in preservation and bettering the world for their children.

Bonjour Bébé, who delivers onsite Doula and birth hypnosis support services, birthing supplies and prenatal classes, is located at our store for new and expanding families to book their consultation with a qualified bilingual (English & French) Doula.”

Congratulations, Dueck Baby Blooms and Bonjour Bébé! This is a great resource for local families.

The centre is located in the old Finale’s location at the corner of St. Mary’s and Marion.

Great Music Programming for Babies & Kids Now at U of W

I got an email from Samantha Beiko, the marketing gal at the Manitoba Conservatory of Music and Arts, which has just moved to the U of W in downtown Winnipeg. She writes to let parents know about the Conservatory’s Early Childhood Music Programs:

We offer classes for ages 12 months up to 12 years. The earlier programs are music and movement style, with lots of percussion, styled after Orff instruction. The older programs branch into the basics of music, exposure to different concert-style instruments, and finally includes our youth choir.

You can find all the info on our programs at the following link: http://mcma.ca/music-classes-for-children

Programs for under 5s include Bouncing Beethovens (12 months – 2 years old), Mini Mozarts (3 and 4 years old), and Music in Motion (4 and 5 years old).