I just heard about a very meaningful event happening next month: the Manitoba Birth Fire, organized by local doula Brianna Darbel. From the event description:
“A Birth Fire is a cleansing and healing event for any person that has struggled with difficult feelings surrounding fertility, pregnancy, and birth. It is an opportunity to acknowledge these feelings and to hopefully accept and move past them in order to focus on the positives. The Birth Fire applies to (but is not limited to):
– Fears surrounding an upcoming birth
– Struggles with infertility
– Pregnancy loss
– Infant loss
– Birth trauma
– Feelings of inadequacy or discontent concerning infertility, pregnancy and birth
The event is open to mothers, fathers, partners, friends, family and birth professionals that may harbour difficult feelings surrounding these topics – be it their own trauma or another’s.” (Read more about how to participate in the Birth Fire at the Facebook event page.)
The Manitoba Birth Fire takes place on Tuesday, September 9th at 9pm in La Barriere Park.