Upcoming event: Modern Mama Winnipeg launch party

Modern Mama Winnipeg opened for business this January and is now holding a free launch party to celebrate…looks like lots of fun! All the details are below, and learn more about visit Modern Mama Winnipeg at their website, http://www.modernmama.com/winnipeg/.

Great Big Adventure is hosting us for a FREE evening of fun!  You and your entire family can join in on the fun!  Kids can take advantage of the indoor play structure-just in time to wear them out before bed- while you socialize, meet Modern Mama Winnipeg, and some of our perks partners!

Along with Winnipeg Parent Magazine, we are going to be holding a Cover Photo Contest at our party!

Throughout the night, local photographer Leilanie Clayton will be snapping photos!  These photos will be uploaded to Facebook, and the photo with the most likes will be featured on the August Cover of Winnipeg Parent Magazine!



Dr. Suzanne, The Ingredient Detective. Investigating How To Live Clean In a Toxic World.

Many of our common household products are full of very dangerous chemicals even the products that claim to be “organic and natural”. Join Dr. Suzanne as she reveals the dangers these chemicals pose on our family and how she shows us to read through all of the marketing hype with natural product labeling. Learn how to make healthy purchases to keep your family safe and toxin free!


Dr. Jared Buffie – Raising Healthy Families

Many health experts say this is the first generation the parents will outlive their children. The health of our children is declining rapidly with more cases of asthma, allergies, obesity, hyperactivity and sickness than ever seen before. Dr. Jared will discuss why this is happening and will teach you what you can do to change this. Discover how to raise healthy families, in a not so healthy world.

While your kids play their hearts away, you have the option to sit and listen to these great speakers in between visiting our vendors!

**This event is free, but does require a pre-registration!  Make sure to pre-register and bring either your ticket or your confirmation email!  We also want to be able to give you a special gift, so only those who have registered will receive a goody bag!**”

Upcoming event: Taking care of your health in pregnancy

Women’s Health Clinic is offering a free class on June 16th as part of their spring 2014 Maternal Health and Wellness workshops:

Taking Care of Your Health in Pregnancy 

6:30 – 8 pm Monday, June 16th at The Birth Centre (603 St. Mary’s Road)

A great opportunity to meet other pregnant people and discuss how to be in the best possible health during and after pregnancy.  Discussion includes: healthy food, managing stress, stretching, body alignment, and exercises to prepare for birth, early parenting, and pelvic floor health.

Registration preferred. Drop-ins welcome.

Upcoming event: mini-retreat for pregnant women

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Alison Ritchie, the lovely lady behind Sacred Pregnancy Winnipeg. Alison’s classes are kind of hard to describe, but essentially, they are about exploring the emotional journey of pregnancy and the wisdom and strength of mamas. The classes also provide an excellent opportunity to meet other pregnant women, and previous participants have gone on to be a huge support to each other throughout their pregnancy and postpartum seasons. I just love what Alison is doing and hope someday to take a class with her!

Anyway, coming up at the end of June is Alison’s 2-day Sacred Pregnancy mini-retreat. Held on June 28 & 29 at St Norbert Arts Centre, this event costs $300 and is “All the beauty and magic of the 8 week pregnancy journey class condensed into 2 days”. It includes:

  • “Mindfully prepared meals and snacks by Kalee Mund… Ayurvedic Goddess
  • Prenatal yoga
  • A pregnancy portrait
  • A henna belly
  • An intimate experience with other pregnant women
  • An opportunity to transform your pregnancy experience and grow
  • Art and group projects you can take home”

Plus lots of goodies, info and discounts from various businesses around town.

Sounds pretty amazing to me. Space is limited so register soon!

Villa Rosa seeking donations of tickets for summer events in Winnipeg

Villa Rosa, a wonderful local non-profit organization that helps young pregnant women along with new moms and their babies, is looking for donations of tickets or opportunities for their residents this summer. Can you help this very worthy cause, or know of a business or organization who can? See the details in the request below.

“We are writing on behalf of the young women in the prenatal and postnatal residential programs at Villa Rosa Incorporated. We are requesting a donation of tickets for any event possible. The donation of these tickets will provide these women with a chance to have an enjoyable and exciting outing.

Villa Rosa is a non-profit United Way Agency whose mandate is to serve young women, who are pregnant, as well as new moms and their babies.

When the academic year ends, activities are organized by the Summer Activity Coordinators in order to keep the young ladies both physically and mentally active. Unfortunately, lack of funds limits the number of outings the ladies may engage in. Therefore, your assistance in the form of free or reduced tickets would be greatly appreciated. Your generous contribution would provide our women with an opportunity that would otherwise not be possible.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us either by phone: 786-5741 ex. 228, or by email atvillarosa784@gmail.com. We are looking forward to your favourable response.


Jacqueline Waluk
Summer Activities Coordinator”