Sacred Pregnancy: A Different Kind of Prenatal Class

I recently stumbled upon a unique kind of prenatal class being held in Winnipeg: Sacred Pregnancy classes.

Sacred Pregnancy

I was completely intrigued and got in touch with the instructor, Alison Ritchie, to ask her for more information. Here’s what she told me… and read ahead for details of when the next round of classes begins!

“Our classes hold space for pregnant women to connect with one another and their pregnancy experiences in meaningful and personal ways. We are the new wave of pregnancy and birthing future, and hell bent on changing the birth conversation. These classes bring back the age old tradition of women sitting with one another during pregnancy and birth, getting empowered, witnessing each others process and BEING there for one another during an incredibly power-FULL rite of passage… becoming mothers. Once a week for 8 weeks we gather together and explore pertinent topics that naturally arise for most women as they walk down their pregnancy paths. We encourage deep sharing, exploring art, expression, laughter, honouring and celebration. Pregnancy is one of the deepest drinks life has to offer. Each woman’s pregnancy pot gets stirred with various emotions and we all need a safe place to process this.”

Alison (who is also a DONA certified doula, Practitioner for Nutritional Wisdom in the childbearing years, and birth photographer) tells me her next round of classes will run April 30th to June 18th from 5:30-8:30 at Stafford Street Hot Yoga. The fee for the class is $400.

To sign up for the class or for more information women can contact Alison directly at 204-230-8534 or For more information on the Sacred Pregnancy movement, visit

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