Used Babies’ & Kids’ Stuff Sales around Town

My lovely cousin M is a lean, mean bargain hunting machine, and she compiled this list of upcoming babies’ and kids’ stuff sales around town over the next couple of months. She advises it’s best to double check details closer to the date, and I’ve added in some links where I was able to find more info. Happy thrifting!

Sat April 6
St. Vital Y Neighbours Kids Sale
Dakota CC
Admission is $1

Sat April 13
St. Norbert Y Neighbours annual Spring Used Toy & Clothing Sale
Richmond Kings CC
Admission is $1

Sat April 13
River Park South Y Neighbours Kids Used Clothing & Toy Sale
St. Vital EMC Church St. Mary’s Rd

Sat April 20
Manitoba Multiples
River East Arena
10:30am – 1:30pm
Cash only – no admission fee

Sun April 21
Y Neighbours Sale
Crescentwood CC

April 21-28
St. Vital Centre/Children’s Hospital Book Sale

Weekend of May 10-11
Whyte Ridge Community Garage Sales

Updated: Sat May 25th
Child Cycle Kids Sale
Glenwood CC

Prairie Midwifery Shortage Inspires Innovation

Tessa Vanderhart’s recent article in the Winnipeg SunMidwives go online to deal with rural shortage, introduces us to Expecting Success Maternity Consulting and Education, an innovative company run by Alberta midwife Amy Deagle.

Deagle saw that the maternity care crisis was affecting rural women disproportionately and developed a service to help these mothers-to-be (who often must travel significant distances to appointments and to give birth) get professional advice and assistance between doctor’s visits.

“Expecting Success’ online programs offer support with a registered nurse, to answer questions in between doctor visits, starting at $350 for six months.

Deagle has had one RN operating in Manitoba since September, and now plans to hire more.

“Now that we’re up and running, we’ll start recruiting more RNs in Manitoba,” Deagle said.”

Expecting Success has three different programs: Baby Talk (pre-conception/fertility), Baby Bump (prenatal), and Baby Steps (parenting). What appeals to me about these programs is the emphasis on providing quality, vetted information so that mums can make good decisions.

“Our goal is to give you the tools to create the most empowered pregnancy and delivery possible. No more guessing, searching or Googling to find answers to the questions that any new parent-to-be has.”

In reading through the bios of Expecting Success’s consultants, it’s clear that these Rknow what challenges that rural women face when they’re pregnant, and also that they are committed to giving women choice and ensuring they are active participants in their own healthcare.

I realize that this business model raises some questions about paying for healthcare services, but I think desperate times call for what some may consider desperate measures. I don’t see it as much different from paying for registered massage therapy, physiotherapy, etc., or nurses working for private nursing homes, insurance companies, etc. These RNs aren’t providing medical care, just supporting women and helping them sort through all the conflicting information that’s out there.

I’m sad about the reasons that prompted Expecting Success to exist, but am glad to see some positive steps being taken towards improving maternity care here in Manitoba.

Spring/Summer Leisure Guide Now Available

The Spring/Summer 2013 Leisure Guide is out now, and there are two prenatal classes  and many more postnatal programs. All the usual suspects (aquafit, yoga, bootcamps, Zumba, stroller fitness, etc.) are there – plus, check out the new programming in the postnatal department:

  • Moms with Muscle: “A weight-training-based workout including functional exercises to increase mom’s strength and endurance. Weights, fitness balls and babies are the tools used in a variety of exercises for a total body workout.”
  • Mom & Me Yogalates: “Stress-free way to strengthen and tone your body while bonding with your baby. Class focuses on toning entire body. Get out and meet other moms. No previous yoga/Pilates experience required. Babies must be 6 weeks to pre-crawling.”
  • Mom ‘n Baby Ballet Fusion: “Moms can experience this exciting new workout that fuses yoga, Pilates and ballet-inspired strength moves with babies by their side. Babies will be used in some exercises for mom and baby bonding time. This workout will sculpt and strengthen the entire body for that long and lean look. No previous yoga/Pilates experience required. Babies must be 6 weeks to pre-crawling.”

Registration starts March 13th – mark your calendars!

(hat tip to Save Money in Winnipeg)

Prenatal Fitness Gaining Popularity in the ‘Peg

Be sure to check out the article in today’s Free Press called Labour of Love – Exercising during pregnancy is beneficial to both mother and baby. Columnist Shamona Harnett profiles Aileen Hunt, owner of Fit 4 Two Winnipeg West, and shares other local women’s experiences with exercise during pregnancy.

Hunt says 100 women take her prenatal fitness classes weekly. At seven classes a week, this is a major jump from just one class a week when she began her business in 2009. Fellow instructor Leslie Adrian talks about being inspired to certify as a teacher thanks to a much more positive second birth, after she had exercised regularly during pregnancy.

There are lots of options for where to take prenatal fitness around town – see my list here.

Sleep Seminars for Parents of Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers

Joleen Dilk Salyn of Baby Sleep 101 is holding two sleep seminars next month:

Help Your Baby Sleep Better (0-12 months)
March 11th 7:30-9pm at Exquisite Taste in Transcona

Help Your Toddler and Preschooler Sleep Better (ages 1-5 years)
March 18th, 7:30pm-9:00pm also at Exquisite Taste

Early bird tickets are $5.00 for either seminar. For ticketing and more information, visit

Baby Sleep 101 is Manitoba’s only Certified Baby and Child Sleep Consultant from the Family Sleep Institute.  If you haven’t checked out Joleen’s blog, do it – it’s full of excellent, practical tips for creating healthy sleep habits!